Beyond Borders: Where Culture Meets User Experience.

Putting the Desi in UX Design

The Silent Language of UX Design: Shaping Experiences and the World

The Silent Language of UX Design: Shaping Experiences and the World

6 min read - As UX designers, we're not just crafting interfaces; we're weaving silent conversations into user journeys. Our choices have a ripple effect, shaping experiences and influencing the world beyond the screen. But in today's media-saturated landscape, negativity can bombard users. Here's the key: your design can be the antidote. Explore how your work can amplify positive messages, empower users, and set the tone for an ethical, world-changing user experience.

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Westworld: Where AI Hosts Get Real, and So Do Our Questions
RK . RK .

Westworld: Where AI Hosts Get Real, and So Do Our Questions

Think of yourself. Your story, your experiences – that's what makes you, you. Westworld takes this idea and runs with it. It shows how memories shape the hosts' identities, just like ours. It's a fascinating twist on McLuhan's "the medium is the message" – here, television becomes the tool to explore how narratives construct reality.

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Manufacturing Consent in AI UX: Navigating Ethical Pitfalls
RK . RK .

Manufacturing Consent in AI UX: Navigating Ethical Pitfalls

We explore the profound impact of AI on society and the critical role of UX designers in shaping this interaction. Inspired by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman, we examine how AI systems can manipulate public opinion, create thought bubbles, and exploit user data. By addressing these ethical challenges, UX designers can ensure AI serves the public good, fostering a more informed and diverse society.

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