Paytm Insider

Transforming Paytm's Insider: A Journey Towards Engagement and Inclusivity.

Paytm's Insider is evolving from a simple ticketing platform into a lifestyle destination.

The aim is to redefine how users interact, plan, and manage events, making them more meaningful and accessible.

Research, System Design, UI/ UX, Business Strategy


To boost user engagement and satisfaction on Insider, we transformed it from a basic ticketing service into a platform that caters to diverse interests and builds community.


An Individual System Design project spanning 3 Weeks.


Planning events is like herding cats. 💀

Planning events is like herding cats. 💀

As an event-goer, I struggled to find events that matched my interests or to manage events myself. This frustration grew when I saw friends and local vendors having similar issues reaching their audiences and hosting events.

Proposal & Objectives


Determined to make a change, I created a platform that personalizes event recommendations and simplifies hosting. With redesigned communication, payment, and collaboration tools, Insider evolved from a basic ticketing service to a comprehensive lifestyle platform fostering community and inclusivity.


  1. Allow users to host public or private events and set up businesses.

  2. Emphasize intrinsic goals and novel experiences.

  3. Increase visibility for small businesses in niche markets.

  4. Connect vendors directly to their users, even after events.

Project Goals

  1. Mood based UX flows over Category based flows

Let users find content matching their mood and preferences, not a one-size-fits-all approach.


Quick, intuitive access to recommendations

Separate segment for new, unexplored offerings


Increase user engagement

Make it easier to find and attend events matching interests

2. Create Engaging Experiences

Transition from basic ticketing to comprehensive event hosting and community features.


Tools for creating and hosting events

Customizable templates

Social sharing options


Foster a sense of community

Promote recurring use

Deepen integration within the Paytm ecosystem

3. Broaden Customer and Vendor Base

Address the needs of vendors and non-mainstream customer groups.


Vendor portal with enhanced analytics

Marketing tools

Direct communication channels

Highlight niche and underrepresented events


Attract diverse events and vendors

Increase offerings and user engagement

Strengthen Paytm's role as a comprehensive service provider

Making an Impact

Why do we need this Redesign

Enhancing Well-Being Through Experiential Engagement

Apps that show how YOU could Spend Money

Apps that show how OTHERS Spend their Money & Time

Apps that show How YOU could Spend your Money & Time

Why Users need this Redesign : Users into Vendors

Mainstream Audience

Conflict & Reality

  • Feel overwhelmed by the plethora of event options available.

  • Coordinating with all your friends, managing finances, and splitting bills in one app.

  • Step beyond your usual event recommendations to explore new experiences occasionally.

Unconventional Audience

Conflict & Reality

  • Their unique and specific tastes, frequently struggle to find events that resonate deeply with their unconventional interests.

  • Find like-minded people and communities who share the same interests

  • Support Event-fluencers who represent them directly to bring more attention.


Conflict & Reality

  • Face the dual challenge of efficiently reaching the right audience and managing their operational logistics.

  • Enable any user to efficiently host/ contribute to events either Public/ private.

  • Engage with the audience and form a community for future events.

Unified Experience: The app integrates these conflicts into a seamless user experience, The focus on distinct yet interconnected user needs ensures that the app is not just a tool but a comprehensive platform enhancing the event experience for everyone involved fostering a strong community and continuous user engagement.

Why Paytm needs a Redesign : Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Spend

Intrinsic spending makes people happier in comparison to materials and Insider helps Intrinsic spending.

Paytm Insider can not only help people spend money, but also their Time.

Why Insider needs a Redesign : Democratize Entertainment

  1. Focus on Experiences Over Possessions:

Insider's Role: By emphasizing diverse events and activities, Insider encourages spending on experiences that lead to sustained happiness.

  • Experiences, unlike material goods, become part of our identity and enhance social relationships, which are key to happiness.

2. Enhancing Social Connections :

Insider's Role: Features like shared event calendars and community engagement tools help users plan and enjoy activities together, fostering stronger social connections.

  • Strong social bonds significantly influence happiness. Activities that facilitate social interactions enhance one's sense of belonging and fulfillment.

3. Personal Growth and Novel Experiences :

Insider's Role: Offers workshops, new hobbies, and cultural events, encouraging users to expand their horizons.

  • Engaging in personal development and learning new skills boosts happiness. Challenging oneself leads to personal growth, which is fulfilling.

4. Democratization of Entertainment :

Insider's Role: Aims to make a wide range of events accessible and affordable, enhancing the collective well-being of its user base.

  • Making entertainment and cultural experiences accessible and affordable elevates happiness across different demographic groups.

Paytm's Insider not only serves as a platform for event discovery and ticketing but also enhances overall well-being by promoting richer, more meaningful life experiences.

PayTm Business Model

Insider Business Model

Economic Growth

More Transactions

Community Engagement

Cultural Growth

Insider and Paytm Have an Interdependent Business model leveraging each other

Your new Insider Redesign


The new homepage features recommended events and enhanced search functionality, making event discovery more intuitive.


  • Central dynamic focus area that opens in the middle, featuring personalized event recommendations.

  • Usual interests placed below for familiarity.

  • Exploration zone above for discovering new events.

UX Highlights

  • By opening in the middle, users are immediately oriented to a point of decision—scroll up for new experiences or down for familiar ones.

  • The inverted scroll logic (new interests above) subtly encourages users to explore, breaking conventional browsing habits.

  • Distinct visual elements and colors differentiate between the usual interests and new explorations, guiding user intuition.

Event Cloud

This dynamic interface allows users to navigate between recommended events and personal interests, fostering a personalized browsing experience.


  • Interactive cloud of event categories that users can navigate based on their interests.

  • Dynamically adjusts to show more relevant categories based on past behaviors and preferences.

UX Highlights

  • The cloud format is visually engaging and encourages exploration through its non-linear layout.

  • Adjusts in real-time, ensuring that users see the most relevant options.

  • Designed for easy navigation, reducing cognitive load by organizing content in a visually appealing and digestible manner.

Event Calendar

The calendar displays past events like a diary, upcoming events, and friend availability, integrating personal and social planning capabilities.


  • Displays past and upcoming events, and integrates social functionalities to see friends' schedules.

  • Offers diary-like entries for past events, enhancing the nostalgic value.

UX Highlights

  • Enhances the calendar utility by allowing users to plan events based on when their friends are free.

  • Users can scroll through past and future events effortlessly, fostering reflection and planning.

  • Clear, concise layout makes it easy to find information and reduces user effort in managing their social calendar.

Create Page

This dynamic interface allows users to navigate between recommended events and personal interests, fostering a personalized browsing experience.


  • Interactive cloud of event categories that users can navigate based on their interests.

  • Dynamically adjusts to show more relevant categories based on past behaviors and preferences.

UX Highlights

  • Guides users through the event creation process in a step-by-step manner.

  • Allows users a high degree of control over their event’s presentation and audience.

  • Immediate previews and suggestions help users understand how their choices affect the event setup.

Closing Thoughts

Inclusivity and Vendor Engagement

Just as Pinterest connects users to their inner selves, Insider aims to connect users with experiences that resonate on a deeper level.

Consistent Engagement

Providing regular engagement opportunities, Insider ensures that users remain connected and engaged throughout the year.

Experience Focus

Transitioning into an app focused on turning mundane transactions into memorable adventures.

Intrinsic Goal Focus

By shifting focus to intrinsic goals, Insider aims to fill the void left by traditional social media, connecting users with meaningful experiences that resonate with their core values.


This conceptual redesign of Paytm's Insider is more than just a facelift; it's a redefinition of what a lifestyle platform can be.

It’s about creating a space where every login brings a user closer to the experiences that enrich their lives, making Paytm not just a part of their digital routine but a gateway to new adventures and personal growth.


Landscape Design

