Cypher Storyboard

Installation Week


Installation Week 〰️

During the week CYPHER learns of your learning patterns and motivations, etc. Mentally Installing in the user’s head.

Cypher Analysis User from Background

Upon Installation of CYPHER on your AR glasses, it monitors your activity from the background for 1 week acknowledging any hobbies or activities through notifications or introspective questions.

Installation Week


Installation Week 〰️

The clone’s personality also reflects a part of the user’s "persona and shadow", enabling self-reflection.

Generating an AI clone to mentor You

At the end of one week, it generates a Clone from the data it gathered about you.

The clone is personalized to mentor you in just one specific hobby and is procedurally generated from 16 parameters to provide a personal touch.



Onboarding 〰️

Onboarding is designed to eliminate uncertainty and variables by guiding users toward a safe hobby, providing initial instructions, and gradually expanding the game's possibilities.

Assigned one hobby as part of onboarding to optimize the experience.

As part of the onboarding process, users are thoughtfully assigned a specific hobby and paired with a dedicated instructor. This personalized approach helps eliminate indecision and ensures a comfortable and guided experience throughout their journey.

Initial Interactions


Initial Interactions 〰️

Players are empowered with awareness to make conscious choices.

The player is made aware of conscious and unconscious choices and decides what's best for him.

CYPHER visualizes your choices through notifications, the AI is merely there to facilitate the choices you make.

It informs you what you should do but provides room to make the final choice and adapts.

Initial Interactions


Initial Interactions 〰️

The user is pushed to be curious and participate rather than *repeat* favorable outcomes consistently as a hobby.

Disconnecting from Outcome

The user undergoes tests in new environments, shifting their perspective from a focus on success or failure to embracing the enjoyment of the process. This approach transforms their relationship with the hobby, fostering a mindset of exploration and appreciation.

Initial Interactions


Initial Interactions 〰️

Experience points for mentors: Shifting the focus to guiding & mentoring

In Cypher, Experience progress relies on the mentor's role, emphasizing curiosity, active participation, and personal growth rather than solely focusing on achieving success for the student.

Mentors accumulate experience points instead of the students, shifting the focus to their ability to guide and mentor, providing a measure of progress without pressuring the players to solely chase success.

Creating Value


Creating Value 〰️

Users and AI must understand each other’s goals and motivation to trust each other. The clone will also have its own backstory.

AI and User: A Symbiotic Relationship

In Cypher, the AI and the user engage in a symbiotic relationship where the AI mirrors the user's persona within their hobby, while the user aims to match the proficiency represented by the AI, fostering a mutual journey of evolution and understanding.

Creating Value


Creating Value 〰️

Learning by playing CYPHER

The AI studies your learning patterns, goals, and fears and curates them into a database specific to that hobby for you to understand.

Think of the hobbies like separate chat boxes on GPT, each new chat box opens with a new NPC.

Exchanging Value


Exchanging Value 〰️

Rewards as a means of Future Investment

Users are encouraged to invest in their education through the act of gifting skins, unlocking the ability to equip them for personal use after completing one gifting cycle.

The game provides rewards like skins/ stickers for putting effort into tasks but they are not equippable immediately.

You need to gift it to the appropriate AI and once a cycle ends they are returned with a higher equipable value.

Data Curation


Data Curation 〰️

Education as Free Entertainment

Once the AI reaches level 20, it departs from your device, but you have the option to maintain contact by uploading the curated data to a cloud storage.

The user's data is utilized for personalized ads, while the education remains free; however, if the user decides not to share the data, the AI is permanently deleted.

Self Reliance


Self Reliance 〰️

Exploration by self

After completing a hobby cycle with an NPC, it resurfaces with a new mentor, encouraging self-guided exploration and continuous growth in a fresh approach to teaching and learning.

Cypher encourages self-exploration by allowing time away from the NPC. This provides users with the freedom to delve into hobbies on their own terms, promoting personal growth and reflection. In the meantime, users can discover new hobbies through Cypher's extensive offerings.

A Timeline of YOU


A Timeline of YOU 〰️

In the end, Cypher is more than a game. It's a snapshot of your life, painted with characters, atmosphere, and Roleplay. 

Reflecting back to move forwards

When user reflects in front of a mirror every 2 weeks they see all the introspective questions answered by them and other users on it and how far they have come.
They also see the NPCs that helped them along on the mirror next to them.